The signs of the zodiac and the plant kingdom

Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac is related and linked to a whole series of trees, plants, perfumes and all kinds of products from the plant kingdom. These are things that not only interest us from a cultural point of view, or as a simple curiosity, but also from the field of alchemy and even medicine, which are areas in which plants are of paramount importance. They are like an extension of this sign, within the realm of the plant kingdom, which we are going to discover.


This sign is ruled by the choleric and bellicose MarsTherefore it rules over all plants that have thorns, also those with a bitter, strong and pungent taste, such as pepper or mustard, onion, garlic, rhubarb and finally tobacco. It rules the alkaloids and sexual excitants, such as rose hips and belladonna. Finally, the invigorating and exciting drinks, such as coffee or tea. Its perfumes are strong fragrances, spicy, exciting or alkaloids, related to the above mentioned vegetables.


This is a sign of the nature of Venus, linked with love and pleasures, and in itself is in a clear harmony with the plant kingdom in general, especially with those that most enhance the sensual side, sweet and fragrant fruits, relaxing fragrances and inviting to abandonment, especially vanilla, cinnamon or musk. But also dates, grapes and all wines, especially sweet ones. Finally, almonds, dandelion, mallow and lemon balm. Among the perfumes: rose, vanilla and cinnamon.


It is under the dominion of the intellectual Mercury, and according to the tradition, its vegetables According to tradition, its most related vegetables would be daisies, clover, chamomile and verbena. Likewise, yarrow, honeysuckle, hazel, parsley and carrot. And finally other plants such as horehound, licorice, lavender, marjoram, ferns and chestnut. In relation to perfumes, this sign is associated with fresh fragrances, which invigorate and stimulate towards activity, especially lavender, considered as Mercury’s perfume.


This is a sign fully ruled by the MoonTherefore, its main vegetables will be, above all, those that contain a lot of water and also need a lot of water to be able to develop. These include rice, watermelon, melon, cucumber and, of course, aquatic plants such as algae. Also plants that induce sleep and escape from reality, such as the poppy and its fruit, opium, mushrooms and sleeping plants. Their perfumes are all considered feminine.


This powerful sign is ruled by the Sun, the king star, and governs all vegetables and plants. related to royalty and also those of yellowish color. Among them we highlight the incense (considered the perfume of God), rue, rosemary, laurel, saffron (known as red gold) and parsley. To these would also be added sunflower, olive tree and olive oil, palm, palm tree, chamomile and almond tree. Finally, it governs men’s fragrances and perfumes, and within them the most expensive perfumes.


This sign is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini, and so we will again find most of the plants related to this planet, such as clover, lavender, horehound, marjoram, licorice, parsley, hazelnut, chestnut. But also valerian and savory. Carrots would strengthen the eyesight, while nuts enhance brain function. Finally, cereals in general: wheat, oats or millet; and also apples. Among the perfumes, lavender would stand out again.


This sign is ruled by Venus, as well as Taurus, considered the star of and art. But in the case of Libra it especially governs flowers of all kinds, but especially the rose; also the fleur de lis, the violet, the lily and the one known as periwinkle. It rules all aromatic flowers that transmit peace and inspire love. Also, again, vanilla, cinnamon, vine and sweet wine and cherries. Among the perfumes it rules the so-called sweet ones, such as vanilla or cinnamon.


Ruled jointly by violent Mars and Pluto.planets of war and destruction, it has as its most related and characteristic vegetable myrrh, which was used to anoint corpses. Also the excitants related to Mars, such as belladonna, ginger, rose hip, garlic, onion, mustard, pepper, tobacco, coffee or tea. And also wormwood and hawthorn plants. Also their perfumes will be very strong fragrances, exciting, spicy, tobacco and alkaloids of all kinds.


This sign is ruled by the great benefic Jupiter, and in the vegetable kingdom it governs mainly fruits of all kinds, and among them especially strawberries, currants, sugar cane or figs. Among the Jupiterian herbs, anise and mint would stand out, and among the flowers would be carnations. Among the trees, the oak, Jupiter’s tree par excellence, stands out above all others. Finally, among the perfumes would rule the most expensive and sophisticated fragrances, jasmine, musk and strawberry perfume.


The powerful and gloomy Saturn rules this sign, represented by a goat, which would recall the figure of the devil. Also many of its vegetables were used, in past times, for magic and spells, such as mandrake, black hellebore or aconite. Also, poisons such as arsenic or hemlock, cereals such as rye, trees such as pine, high mountain fir, cypress and willow cemeteries. And among the perfumes, the spiritual sandalwood stands out.


Currently, this sign is considered under the rule of Uranus, however, for centuries it has been considered as ruled by Saturn, and therefore its vegetables and perfumes are still those related to the planet of the rings and, therefore, similar to those of Capricorn, which is the other sign of Saturn, although it is will stand out, above all, those that point more to the spiritual. in any of its forms, stylized trees such as pine or fir, willow or cypress. And likewise, its perfume will be sandalwood.


Nowadays it is considered to be ruled by Neptune, but the millenary tradition has always associated it with the giant Jupiter and, therefore, its plants and perfumes will be, above all, those related to this planet, that is to say, those of Sagittarius. But to these we should also add to these the ferns and mosses.aquatic plants and, above all, algae. Its infusions are mint and anise, its fruits are strawberries and its flower is the carnation. Its tree is the oak, and among the perfumes most related to the sign, jasmine.


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