Callejeros dedicated its program this Monday to communities of neighbors around the country that have squatters in some of their homes. And, although in some cases the people residing irregularly in those houses had a more peaceful attitude, this was not the case in a building in Torremolinos (Malaga), where Mari, the president of the community, reported that he had been living with a squatter as a neighbor for 28 years..
“There have been several squatters. But now we have one who is a repeat offender and who is on drugs,” the woman said, adding that owed almost 28,000 euros and that he had beaten them on occasion.
Silvia Ruiz, reporter for Callejeroswent to the squatter’s apartment and showed her the sentence against her. “Have you been in prison for three months, having been convicted of a crime against public health?” he asked her, to which the neighbor answered that she has not been in jail and then clarified that it was not for selling narcotics, but for smoking.
The woman, who maintained that she was not a squatter, but “irregular” because she had her bills in order and took care of the house, defended that she was no longer paying for the apartment because the owner had passed away: “If the guy has died, what’s my fault? What should I give it to the president? I’m going to give it to the president, as she told me…”.
At that moment, Mari went upstairs and clarified that she had not told her that. “What? What did I tell you?Scoundrel! ยกYou threatened to kill me leaving witnesses!” he exclaimed.
“You’re meaner!” she spat, starting a brutal argument between the two. “Your daughter hit me and the cameras recorded it.. And the police have all that,” the president assured.
The neighbor across the street spoke with Callejeros and opined that, although the woman was not a bad woman, the problem was “what she does for a living.”drug trafficking. “There is a lot of movement of people up and down and then the fights with the daughter. Fights going out in the hallway fighting and yelling,” he added.
Again, the squatter came out of her house and rebuked Mari: “She has painted herself to go on TV. Run, talk. Go to the appointments! Why don’t you go to FourTake her to First Dates! Go on dates to get a boyfriend”.
“Why do I want a boyfriend? I already have one,” the president told her, before the neighbor said she was not going to leave because she has nowhere to stay.