Mercedes de Pablos suggests that there should be “an advisory board” for the organization.

This Tuesday the appearances have started in the congressional committee of the candidates proposed by the PSOE and its associates to be part of the Board of Directors of RTVE.

Among them, the following have appeared Mercedes De Pablos Candón, candidate for the election of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Chairman of Corporación RTVE.proposed by the PSOE.

Journalist and writer, who has exercised her professional career in Andalusia. She declares herself to be a leftist and feminist. She was the first woman director of a radio station in Spain, Canal Sur Radio from 1996 to 2000. She has also directed other media and was appointed as a member of the Audiovisual Council of Andalusia representing the PSOE-A between 2005 and 2010.

Resident in Seville, he defended the importance of territorial centers and criticized a “centripetal and excluding Madrid sometimes in the informative story. “The territorial centers must be the eyes and the voices of this company.“, he insisted, complaining that RTVE’s territorial headquarters suffer cuts and do not have enough budget.

“The Council cannot be a kingdom of taifas, each one with its own project, we will have to make a plural project”, she warned. The future Councilwoman also said that it will be necessary to “to develop collaboration with an advisory council“and defended outsourcing, assuring that outside production is not always outsourcing, if it is directed from RTVE.

This last idea is relevant because for days the possibility has been discussed in the RTVE’s circles that the new board members could have their own advisors.

This would make the 15 councilors, who will now have full senior management salaries (which will exceed 100,000 euros per year). The cost of the per diems or salaries of these advisors would be added to the cost of the Board of Directors. This would mean adding even more cost to the nearly one and a half million euros per year that this new council, which will have a six-year term of office, will already cost.

Until now there were only 10 board members and they only received per diems when they attended meetings. This changed with the decree of the PSOE government.which gives them full dedication and a regime of incompatibilities.


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